Feb 18 2007

Optimise your blog

I am not talking Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Quite simply, take time off from the exciting sexy side of blogging, and check that every “boring” part of your blog is uptodate. By that I mean, we have loads of info pages like About Us,About the Site, and Testimonials, the all-important SiteMap, Privacy… and on checking through, they weren’t quite current or accurate.

These pages don’t attract people to the site per se, but after a quick tweak, at least now we know that the info is correct for the visitors who stumble into the dark corners. And importantly, all nifty features that have crept into the blog mix over the past few months are now properly documented.

Do the policies stated in the small print, reflect your current thinking?

Another bonus of going into neglected corners of the site is to see what was going through your mind at launch time. Initially, I was looking for help with video reviews. But as time has passed, ideas have evolved and now for instance, we want to attract contributions from witty writers on any topic covered in the Pisstakers. If I hadn’t edited the relevant page today, who would have known about my slight change of tack and maybe another 6 months would have passed with little or no interest in contributing to the Pisstakers! (Maybe nothing will change, but at least I tried.)

In summary, I blog because it is good fun. I also like living in our house, but both need to be checked over, cleaned and tidied from time to time.

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