Dec 7 2006

Everything a beginner needs to know about

I recently submitted a few of my articles to Digg and I have been unsuccessful with getting ‘dugg’.

Even without getting diggs I have attracted viewers to my site. Not only visitors, but quality visitors. They are looking under my topic, and clicking my titles to view what I wrote.
For 24 hours your stories will be on the “upcoming” pages, basically getting viewed. From what I understand if you get diggs your story remains on that getting placed more prominently with the more diggs you get.

How do you get diggs?

First attach a button to your article on your site. You can find digg buttons under the ‘tools’ section.

One thing I like is that you are allowed to ask for diggs, opposed to some advertising sites etc where you can’t ask for clicks. You can email friends and/or family your topics so they can ‘digg’ them. Viewing and digging your friends topics are actually encouraged and made easier with the friends activity feature. I can see, view, and vote for all my friends articles with just one click.

In conclusion, you may not get on the elite front page which is supposed to get you thousands views, but for the common blogger like myself, everything counts. Regardless of the diggs you get, you are sure some visitors to follow. A handful, or a thousand, its good enough for me.


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