Here’s a way to make your posts more valuable
I know at lot of people are reading this after seeing the word valuable and are hoping I’m going to show you how to make some money from your posts. Well I am but I’m not. Value is not just monetary value although often one follows the other. If you write content that has value to readers then eventually you can leverage that into some income producing enterprise I’m sure.
So how can we make our posts a little more valuable to the reader?
Hyperlinks. One of the foundations of the internet is being able to include links within text that take a reader directly to further information or definitions. I’m not talking about that intellitext stuff (that really bothers me I may add). I’m talking old fashion links that provide further depth to what you are writing about.
Readers have the option to click or not to click. If they are interested in learning more about something you’ve mentioned they only need to follow the breadcrumbs you’ve laid out for them.
It’s like talking about a book and within the context of the conversation you are able to provide reference material to deepen the experience. Say for example I’m reading The Invisible Man by HG Wells. I really enjoyed this book and I love the movie from Universal.  Of course my favourite HG Wells novel is actually The Time Machine and I particularly loved the sequel novel written by Stephen Baxter.
Within that last paragraph I’ve gone a little overboard with the linking but you hopefully see my point. The technology is there so use it!
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