StatCounter- Keep Track of your Traffic
- 4 Comment
To get more traffic, you have to understand where your current traffic is coming from. To do that, I like to use statcounter. Basically by using statcounter, you can get MORE traffic. Never heard of getting more traffic with a counter before? Well…
By using the ‘Came From’ feature you can see what page referred the visitors to your site. From there you can see which methods you are getting the most traffic from.
You may be spending a lot of time promoting your website somewhere that just isn’t sending you traffic. You can conclude that it isn’t worth your time. It’s just the opposite when something is working. Spend more time with that!
There are other counters available, but statcounter is a must have on any blog. Its free and easy to learn, and only really takes a few seconds to install. After that you can even use it to track with an invisible code.
There are other features you can control as well, like setting up another user to see the stats, or you can simply make the stats public.
Lately I’ve seen many bloggers and webmasters ask which counter is the best. I give my recommendation to statcounter.
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4 Comments on this post
Culture Shiok! said:
I also use StatCounter in my blog.
It’s very helpful in tracking some of my visitors.
March 3rd, 2007 at 9:52 am -
Jenni said:
Hi Matt,
We think StatCounter is a must on any blog too!!
Many thanks for the support!
StatCounter TeamMarch 4th, 2007 at 3:04 pm -
Matt said:
thanks for stopping by jenni.
glad to see stat counter stopping by our blog
March 4th, 2007 at 4:26 pm -
Jack Laybourn said:
Hi There,
Just came by your site searching for more infomation about web traffic building&Seo tools, and I found some great info here
I`m working on building the best! Viral Traffic Blog site now so I do a lot of reviews all over the net.
Have A Great Day
Jack L
Viral Traffic Center.comMarch 25th, 2008 at 4:35 pm