Photography Made Difficult?
Not all that long ago, photography required a fair amount of study and skill to master technically. Both professionals and amateurs possessed a knowledge of film, the darkroom, chemistry, development, optics, cameras, light and exposure just to name a few. The advent of digital capture and cameras that do everything but brew a cup of […]
Top Five Reasons for Blogging
Everyone probably has their own top reasons for blogging, here are mine. 1. Success I think everyone has that thought in the back of their mind. The dream that I COULD be big. It just takes good content, and some clever marketing and you could possibly pull in a lot of readers, viewers and eventually […]
Mini Fridge Update
I mentioned yesterday we are giving the fridge away when we reach 150 rss subscribers. I have made a list of 33 entries so far. Make sure you are on that list if you want to win the fridge. Remember, I am currently not sending this prize out of the US, it wouldn’t be worth […]
Photo Blog Project: Submit Your Sites
Brian Auer over at Epic Edits Weblog has come up with a neat little project for us photo-bloggers to get the word out about our sites… “I propose we do a little blog project that will allow everyone to share their sites with the other readers. Nothing major “ I just want to get a […]
World Oneness Day – Global Peace Meditation
There’s a major global event taking place on 20th May, when many thousands of people will gather at twelve locations around the globe to meditate and pray for global peace and harmony with nature. What makes this particularly exciting is that the results are to be measured by the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University, […]
400 MyBlogLog Members!
Recently I blogged about How We Got 300 MyBlogLog Members. Today we reached our 400th member! I am very surprised to see we got another 100 members in less than a month, with little promotion of it. I appreciate all of our members, and I will be running a contest after we giveaway our mini […]
What to blog about
I had a revelation today about blogging when I picked up a copy of National Geographic, a good old-fashioned real life magazine. I wish I had made the connection between online and offline publishing when I first started to blog I have never written a magazine or published anything in print, so the whole concept […]
Taking a break…
I’ve just posted over at Quit Your Day Job using the exact same title and since this is almost my second home I thought I might do so over here too. Don’t you hate it when you discover a blog that you really like and then it doesn’t update itself for weeks on end? Well […]