Feb 15 2008

Comment Friday for February 15th

Comment FridayI’m updating this late on Valentines Night. I hope everyone had a safe and fun V-day. I’ve been trying to take care of everyone because we are all sick. Everything else has been going pretty well and I hope the same for you.

If this is your first Comment Friday we give one lucky person a free weekly blogroll spot as our “blog of the week“. Along with that we are also giving that winner 200 entrecard points.

This week I am just wondering how your Valentines Day was. I also wanted to know how much contests and contest blogs impact your blog and blogging. We just updated our Top 20 Contest Blogs list. I feel its a great resource to any blogging contest. After promoting the Kontera Video Testimonial Contest I thought our list needed an update.

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    9 Comments on this post


    1. Chester's Clean House said:

      Blog contests interest me very little. On-line contest in general don’t seem like a good deal to me. I see most of them as link bait. Someone either wants my info, or is trying to sell me something by giving something I usually don’t even want away. Look at all of the free iPod, Xbox, and PS3 offers on the web and you will see nothing but scams. I view sites that hold them with less regard.

      February 15th, 2008 at 6:01 am
    2. Lynne said:

      Valentine’s Day was very nice, very quiet, and enjoyable! 😀

      As for blog contests, I do enter a few, post about a few, and have won none. I would like to run one of my own but haven’t done it yet. I think they are good ways to increase readership if done correctly. Yes, some people will be one time visitors only interested in the prize, but hopefully, many more will find interesting content and come back.

      February 15th, 2008 at 10:45 am
    3. Erica said:

      My Valentines day was fairly uneventful. As usual on Thursdays my sister came over before our Pilates class and had dinner with myself and my fiance. Very romantic!
      As for contests, my rule is that I don’t post specifically to enter a contest. I’ll comment if I’m interested, perhaps subscribe depending on if I enjoy the blog’s content. But I won’t let other blogs dictate what I post.

      February 15th, 2008 at 1:34 pm
    4. C K said:

      We try not to go to any fancy restaurant. Not really romantic when you have have other couples so near to you that we can actually hear what they’re saying. Just the two of us in a local cafe, a simple pasta, desserts and a cuppa.

      February 15th, 2008 at 2:09 pm
    5. K-IntheHouse said:

      Our Valentine’s Day was very laid back. A candle-light dinner and a movie. 🙂

      I love blog contests and have run one of mine and consider running another one soon. They are fun and if you choose the right ones, odds of winning are pretty high compared to other stuff. I have probably made won more stuff than I have made in Adsense including a logo design by the famous David Airey!

      February 15th, 2008 at 2:13 pm
    6. Matthew Henrickson said:

      Small comment friday today.

      Glad everyone had a relatively good Vday. Of course we are all feeling better now! lol

      Nice prizes, I haven’t won too much big stuff in a while. We did win a review at bloggin-ads that Im excited for

      February 15th, 2008 at 3:02 pm
    7. Delores said:

      Valentine’s Day was spent being annoyed with traffic because everyone else decided to wait until the last minute to pick up at card. Then I spent the rest of the night watching “Lost.” Exciting, I know.
      I’m loving the Comment Friday bit but I find that I’m posting to other blogs and not writing in my own. I need to make an after Valentine entry for myself. 🙂

      February 15th, 2008 at 3:05 pm
    8. CindyS said:

      Valentines day was a quiet day for me. Worked most of the day and did chores in the evening.

      I’ve only had one contest and it was on a pet blog. I picked up subscribers, readers and some search traffic so all in all it was a good experience.

      February 15th, 2008 at 3:13 pm
    9. Matthew Henrickson said:

      I chose CindyS as this fridays winner!


      February 16th, 2008 at 10:25 am


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