Jul 17 2008

Using Yahoo Answers for More Website Traffic

Yahoo Answers

An important thing in blogging successfully is being an authority in your niche. What better of a way to show that you are by answering questions in that niche? Yahoo answers is perfect for that.

Yahoo Answers for Traffic

Yahoo Answers has a great search ability where you can enter keywords to find questions to answer. You can search between answers that have or haven’t been answered yet.

You can also leave your “source” when answering a question. This is basically asking for a plug of your own website. During football season, I try to take a few minutes every week to go through and answer fantasy football questions and give my “advice”. Then leave the URL as my source.

The questions also pose for great post titles and ideas for posts in your niche.

Yahoo Answers Trial

On my poetry site, Words of a Poet, I put my poems, famous poems, as well as song lyrics (that’s basically poetry too). When Brianna Taylor debuted her song Summertime on Real World, I quickly found the lyrics and post them. The next day tons of people were requesting her lyrics on forums and especially Yahoo Answers.

Looking up all the questions on Yahoo Answers regarding her lyrics, I began to tell them where I “found it” and linked to my own site.

From June 26th to June 29th (yeah 3 days), Yahoo Answers sent nearly 150 visitors. The traffic is obviously very targetted as they are finding the exact answer they are looking for.

Of course I got a little lucky to be one of the first to post the lyrics and I only answered questions for one day, imagine the potential.

Answer questions about breaking news in your niche, link to your site, and watch the traffic roll in.

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6 Comments on this post


  1. David Hobson said:

    Yahoo Answers is a great way of getting targeted traffic to a blog or website. I recently posted an entire series on this as well as releasing an Ebook.

    David Hobsons last blog post..Blog Updates and News

    July 17th, 2008 at 2:15 pm
  2. AffiliateObsession.com said:

    I haven’t found the advantage of Yahoo Answers yet, but I am still working on it. Good luck!

    AffiliateObsession.coms last blog post..RocketProfit.com Results – They Pay!

    July 18th, 2008 at 6:14 am
  3. tigga76 said:

    When I was deep in blogging I used to use Yahoo Answers to channel traffic to my blog by adding a follow up question after each post. On the blog it would say go to Yahoo Answers and on Answers it would say go to my blog. The only issue is that people didn’t immediately associate my blog persona with my Yahoo Answers persona. They couldn’t fathom that it could be done that way always ending the answer to my questions with “The blogger probably doesn’t get it” and stuff like that. It was a little disorienting especially for me but I guess it all comes down to the execution. But I think its a great idea and a definite traffic generator even if they don’t get it.

    July 18th, 2008 at 7:29 am
  4. Jason said:

    I had never thought about using Yahoo Answers like that before. There are plenty of other answer sites out there that you could use in the same way. This also allows you to give a little back to the community at the same time that you are driving traffic to your site.

    Thanks for the idea!

    Jasons last blog post..CSS Snippet: Input Boxes with Drop Shadows

    July 19th, 2008 at 6:48 am
  5. Codrut Turcanu I Remarkable Blogging dot Com said:

    I agree with you Mathew.

    Yahoo! answers are a nice resource to get tons of traffic and it helps you to become an expert in your field.

    July 22nd, 2008 at 12:48 am
  6. Tom Kirkpatrick said:

    That’s a great idea and a new one for me. Do you think it’s it’s ok to cite yourself as the source of the answer, or best to leave it anonymous and let the reader figure out that the person who gave them the link is the same guy who wrote the article?

    August 28th, 2008 at 5:30 am


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