New Article On Pop Culture Heroines – The Forgotten Heroes
Like Blog About Your Blog Pop Culture Heroines is a multi author blog where you can submit story ideas and get published (promoting your own blog too by including a link in the by-line). I’m happy to announce that the first of our contributors has just published her first piece there! Here is an excerpt:
Often the role of those who lurk in the shadows is overlooked by those who grab the limelight with their obvious displays of heroism or gallantry. While heroes are often the people who receive the praise and become the focal point for saving the day, a hero is often made up of more than just their individual selves. In many cases there are key people who support or critically contribute to the actions of the hero in question.
Take for instance the role of Tara in Buffy. There is of course no doubt that Buffy is the star and the hero of the hour, the day and the year. Contrast her role with the initial introduction of Tara and you could be forgiven for dismissing Tara as unimportant and unnecessary. With her sideway glances, avoidance of eye contact and wish to avoid conflict, she would not be considered instantly memorable. However just as in real life, the importance of supporting characters should not be judged too quickly.
Come over to the site, read the rest and comment!!!
Also if you have a story idea or would like to write a piece please contact me via the blog!