Sep 17 2007

Nations Finance

Recently I’ve done reviews on loans and credit cards, but Nations Finance rolls it all into one and more. They ‘have teamed up with the major financial institutions in the UK to provide you with the best deals available for credit cards, loans, mortgages, banking, insurance and more.’

Personal Loans

“Personal loans are an effective way for many consumers in the UK to raise finance and then make monthly repayments to pay off the amount borrowed.”

With a good credit history and rating you should be able to compare personal loans from many different companies. When doing so you should look at several things such as interest rate, monthly repayments, as well as terms and conditions. With so many things to consider, why do the hard work yourself?


Mortgages are another popular type of loans, and there are many different types available. When you compare mortgages you should look at which best can fit your needs, circumstances and budget.

Transferring Cards

Transferring your credit cards have become very popular. You can transfer one balance to another card. To do this you want to find the best balance transfers, so you are paying lower interest rates. The lower your rate, the easier it will be to get out of debt.

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