Dec 16 2006

There is money in searches!


These are a different sort of search feature – search engine based, but built around a selection of keyword tags that the blogger inputs into the system. The keywords are organised in a word cloud, one of those fancy graphical lists that are becoming all the rage!

From the user’s point of view, you get a box of words that we have included from our articles in the various Pisstakers blogs. Click on a word or phrase, a search results page appears, and off you go, surfing the web. Usually our site appears in the list, and hopefully even an article related to the keyword, but if we don’t show, it doesn’t really matter. The idea we have is to use it as another form of entertainment, another springboard for people to surf, you know, in the spirit of the internet, set the user free! We know they will come back to us, because there is nothing quite like the Pisstakers.

Eurekster, provide all the code and the options to set up a color-coded presentation box, pretty much to your liking. There are many ways to customise the Swiki, including advertising slots involving Adsense, or your own affilaites too.

Eurekster also give you a ready reckoner of how much your swiki might be worth to a website buyer. We are at over $750 now, based on the $75-worth of clickthroughs we have currently generated, times a factor of 10, which is at least a starting point for negotiations, if it ever came to selling. (Probably more fun that fact at the moment, but search is going to get bigger over time, so why not get in on this company’s ground floor?)

Interesting feature, and free to use!! Our Swiki is here.

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