Mar 13 2008

Stumbleupon Now Using Captcha for Reviews

*Update* Israel reports that the captcha is only on some posts, but it’s been on all of mine so far. A disturbing discovery while trying to stumble and review a site today. Stumbleupon is now using captcha! With stumbleupon obviously being gamed by different website services, I suppose this was inevitable. I’ve heard of automated […]

Mar 11 2008

Send Stumble Requests to Your Stumbleupon Friends

After a few quick emails with Kelly Curtis from Pass the Torch we began discussing Stumbleupon. I mentioned the Send To feature, but she had never used it before. Getting your stumble friends to stumble your posts is another way to utilize stumbleupon for more stumbles and more traffic. How to Use the Send to […]

Feb 26 2008

A Thumbs Down Kills Stumble Traffic

Yesterday I wrote about how you can Earn Money for your Social Media Votes. People are willing to pay you to vote for your votes. I thought it would be a great article for getting a little stumble traffic. However, a thumbs down killed it. The topic of selling your votes is a controversial one, […]

Feb 25 2008

Earn Money for your Social Media Votes

Social media traffic is a nice boost for any website or blog. However, sometimes it’s hard to come by. This will lead for people to even pay for it. If you can ‘buy’ 50 votes on digg, you are bound to get some front page action, depending on your topic. ‘Sell Your Votes’ Subvert and […]

Feb 20 2008

8 Reasons To Link Our Blog Today

People seem to be very interested when I tell them I blog and make money online. When I explained blogging I mention the Technorati system. The more blogs link to you, the better you are ranked. We are currently ranked in the top 5,000, but why not higher? Here are 8 reasons you should link […]

Feb 19 2008

HealthRanker: Social Media Health News

Health is a growing awareness that everyone seems to be focusing on. From tv, to radio and now to blogs, nearly everyone seems to be trying to get healthier. For that very reason, Israel of Fat Man Unleashed has released his new social media website, Healthranker. Healthranker allows bloggers, webmasters and users to submit health […]

Feb 4 2008

What is Bounce Rate?

The term “bounce rate” may be thrown at you sometimes when someone is discussing how successful advertising or a promotion might be. But, What is Bounce Rate? I never knew exactly what it was, but I figured I didn’t want anyone “bouncing” off our blog. So the lower % the better. Bouncing off your Blog […]

Jan 29 2008

BloggingZoom Burning Bloggers

Blogging Zoom has definitely evolved into it’s own mini social media site. Many bloggers I know use it or have in the past. Getting to the front page is easy, everyone can always use a few extra visitors per day. However, has that gone to their heads? Blogging Zoom Copy and Paste Blogging Zooms submission […]

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