What I Learned From My Sponsored Contests
Blog about your Blog has gotten quite a few great sponsors for contests. Bidvertiser gave us 300$ in cash to give away. NeverblueAds also gave us 300$ for a contest. The difference? I received the Bidvertiser cash up front.
Why It Matters
Bidvertiser sent me the money when we agreed on the contest terms. I had to cover just a little of the paypal costs. With NeverblueAds I preferred to cut myself out so those paypal fees weren’t there. The problem with that is then I have to rely on someone else paying our contest winners.
I have been known to take a while to pick the winners, so this time I tried to do it a little faster, however it didn’t matter. When I sent NeverblueAds my winners, the email was lost in the mail and weren’t paid right away.
After getting back into contact with NeverblueAds again they swiftly made payment to the contest winners.
It wasn’t anyones fault.
Unforeseen things like this can happen, it was my responsibility to get the prizes out, especially for Christmas.
With any contest…
There is that problem of the prize not being sent. I have won several things online that I never received and so have many others.
This is definitely not going to prevent us from doing future contests, our contest layouts may be a little different however.
Blogaboutyourblog.com just turned a year old and we would love to do another big contest with sponsors and big cash. If you are interested let us know.
Inactive Blogs Can Still Make Money
I first started my blog My quest to make money on the internet in September 2006, I wrote posts every day, sometimes more on the various methods for making money online.
My posts included reviews of affiliate programs, weekly progress reports, sponsored posts and blog carnivals. After 5 months I was getting 60+ visitors a day and I had made a grand total of £128 (approx. $260), almost half of that came from selling 1 link. Not a great result for 5 months worth of promoting and writing, then as quite often happens in blogging other things in my life took priority and I eventually stopped blogging altogether, that was in February 2007.
Inactive Blogging
I didn’t abandon my blog completely though, I kept an eye on what was happening, how many visitors I was getting and how my affiliate programs were doing. A few times I thought about starting the blog up again, but I just couldn’t get up the motivation to do it. Then in December 2007 I was looking at how much money I’d made in total, by this time I’d received a number of payments from Google and Friend Finder, so I added it all up.
It had been 10 months since my last post but I had made another £600 (approx. $1200), that’s almost 5 times as much as I’d made in the first 5 months. I was amazed by this, I looked at my visitor stats as well and I found that I was getting 120+ visitors a day. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that my blog is in anyway successful, 120 visitors a day is still a very small number, but considering I wasn’t even posting my number of visitors has doubled. If I had just kept the blogging up I could have been getting 200+ a day and made even more money. Looking at these results gave me the motivation to start posting again, not at the same rate as before, I just don’t have the time, but I will write the odd post now and then to keep it going. I’ve been looking for new money making opportunities for my blog, some of which I have already implemented and will write some posts about in the future.
It just goes to show how blogs can be a good source of passive income and that if you have an old inactive blog hanging around the internet, it might just be worth resurrecting it. The good thing about all this is that my interest in blogging has been renewed, enough to start a new blog as well. My latest project is Martin’s Personal Development Blog, this will be a monetized blog, but in a more subtle way than Quest, it will be all about personal development and productivity.
Resurrect those old blogs now they might make you some money.
This post was by Martin of My Quest to Make Money Online
Weekly Contest Roundup for Jan 13
Another week, another set of contests for you to enter and possibly win. Here’s my picks from Contest Beat over the past week.
$100 Cash
This one is nice and easy and you can enter in a number of different ways from subscribing to the RSS, blogging about the contest or even making a comment. Just make sure you enter before the end of the month!
A Coffee Machine
Although this one is for Canada and US residents only, the prize is still pretty cool. Le Gourmet TV have a Grind Central Coffee Grinder to give away and entering is as simple as watching a video and then answering a question. Check out the details here.
1,000 GB Monthly Hosting
I thought this hosting competition was special because instead of the usual $5/month hosting that most people givwe away they have a 1GB diskspace, 1,000 GB transfer account up for grabs. To enter you need to subscribe to an RSS feed.
A Pair of $1,500 Diamond Earrings
Goldsmith Jewelry have a pair of nice diamond earrings to give away and entering is as simple as blogging about their site and also the contest. The contest closes on February 4 at which time a winner will be voted upon (not sure I agree with that), but a nice prize nonetheless!
Don’t forget to check out Contest Beat for all the latest contests, you never know, you might make some money, win a Wii, whatever!
One Heck of a Giveaway Contest
Many bloggers have been sucking entrecard dry by using it to help them to grow their own blogs. As Graham the owner of entrecard often says is that entrecard will and has helped the smaller to medium sized blogs. Those bloggers have found to ways to use entrecard to their advantage to increase traffic, readership, comments and feed readers.
The latest one to use entrecard to their advantage is Mike Huang of bloggin-ads. He put together a huge contest with lots of blogging sponsors. His main method of putting it together was by messaging tons of top entrecard users. Not only did he raise 4,500 entrecard points in prizes, he also lured bloggers to donate about 60 different prizes.
What I like about the contest is that each of the 12 winners will win a package of prizes. Each “package” has about 5-6 prizes and each seem to include at least a few entrecard credits.
Blog about your Blog apparently was one of the first responses to the offer as we are listed first and wrote to Mike within minutes of receiving the email offer. We are in group one offering a 1 month blogroll and a 125×125 monthly ad below our entrecard widget.
This contest will run until Jan 31st. To enter you can subscribe to bloggin-ads, post about the contest, post comments as well as stumble and digg the contest post.
Head on over to the contest page to take a look at all of the contest sponsors.
PayPerPlay Audio Advertising
I’m always looking for new ways to make money online. I’ll try anything at least for a trial run, so I have joined AudioAdHosting that promise a new way to make money online.
Audio Ads
What if you could earn from every visitor that visited your website? Sounds too good to be true, I agree. Pay-Per-Play is a new ad service, instead of contextual ads, you display a code that is an audo ad.
Each audio ad is 5 seconds long from companies like HBO, Taco Bell and others. This sounds like a great idea, I’d obviously love to get paid for every visitor to our site. Is this “revolutionary idea” before it’s time?
Can it Work?
The reason why television and radio ads are successful is because people are listening. How about those who don’t have speakers or aren’t turned on? How could you be paid for those advertisers? If you are, how are they able to make money on that to be able to keep this system alive?
I’ve also been promised this before. Places like The Newsroom have been big busts for me. I’ve received several 100 views, clicks etc, but am under 1$ in earnings.
So how much will I be paid for every visitor? Funny thing is I can’t find that anywhere! They tell you, that you can earn for every visitor but not how much. It could be 100$ or a fifth of a penny. How much really depends in this situation.
I’ve also had “technical difficulties” where instead of a commercial all I hear is an annoying scrambling.
It can work…
Pay-Per-Play is an interesting idea that can be fine tuned to really work. However, they jumped the gun in releasing their services. On their login page you see
“We are STILL making extensive database changes this week. We have not resumed posting new hit counts yet, that comes next.”
Why would I run this service and trust that it will make me money? The information and overall service at this time is lacking. I hope they make some big changes soon and get out of their seeming beta stage and really step it up.
However, it can’t hurt to register it’s free. Try Pay-Per-Play ads and tell me what you think about it.
Comment Friday for January 11th
We are getting back on track here at Blog about your Blog. Our articles have been doing great, hitting the front pages of sphinn and of course Blogging Zoom.
If this is your first Comment Friday we give one lucky person a free weekly blogroll spot as our “blog of the week“. Along with that we are also giving that winner 50 entrecard points.
Leave us a comment about anything you want. I’d love to hear how many bloggers ‘workout’ to stay in shape. I have responded two questions left by Comment Friday readers about what they’d like to see on our blog, let us know. Any questions you have.
We have our first official Comment Friday sponsor. James from TotalWebReview is trying to promote their contest in which they are giving away 20 pages on One Buck Wiki. Three winners will each win 20 pages a piece.
Other prizes include advertising, blog reviews and 200 entrecard credits. The value comes out to be around 700$ in prizes!
To enter you can subscribe to Total Web Review by email, make a post on your blog, as well as commenting, voting etc on Total Web Review.
There is also advertising available for only 2$ per month, for a 125×125 banner ad. You may notice Blog about your Blog already has one 🙂
Weightloss Ebook for Bloggers
I have mentioned before my efforts to lose weight. Being a blogger isn’t the best job to have when you are bigger or getting big. There isn’t much physical activity involved. One week of working a “real” job that I was on my feet 9 hours a day, I lost weight easily.
I’ve mentioned trying the master cleanse diet which isn’t exactly the healthiest way to lose weight. It was hard to keep the pounds off as well. Due to the recent chaos and holidays my weight hasn’t exactly stayed down due to it all.
After I started messenging to Israel of Fat Man Unleashed he mentioned he was releasing an ebook for bloggers to lose weight. Just by mentioning that I was on board! His blog is basically about healthy weight loss so it made perfect sense to write the ebook.
Israel is the perfect one to write an ebook and share his experience. His blog is doing quite well with over 700 rss feed readers. So far he’s already lost 44 pounds!
The great thing about his ebook is that you can do whatever you want on it. There isn’t any specific time or order. The idea is just to set aside just a few minutes a day, whatever you can spare (15 minutes?).
The Workouts
What’s unique about these workouts are you are using the materials that surround you everyday. Your computer chair (or fart catcher as Israel says) is the focus of several routines, like chair squats. If you are like me you don’t have a full workout station at your disposal, so use what you have.
The technology game, puts values on how many phone calls and emails you receive. These values are given by pushups. So every time you get some work done, take a break and do some pushups! Even those who have a laptop there is a section just for you.
For more information about weightloss check out his blog. What he seems to enjoy most is being real with his readers. He doesn’t sugarcoat being “fat”. He tells it like it is and how he is going to change that and get to his ideal weight.
Take a look for yourself at Fat Man Unleashed and get his free ebook.
Blog about your Blog Sonnet
With the opening of the entrecard shop many interesting and unique items are for sale. Most are overpriced, but I did find one cheap gem among the items.
I purchased the item which a sonnet written about your blog and published at Q for Quack.
It’s posted as an image and I thought it was pretty creative.
It’s a little tough to read so here are the words
Behold, there is a site for new writers
those who have talent, and those who are bright
and express themselves not being fighters
detailing opinions on wrong and rightnot only aiming to provide content
that will help keep the visitor informed
allowing editor time to present
the writers which it wishes to be formedsupposing that they come along to see
not falling over their steep window sills
they might steer themselves from that buzzing bee
and you won’t end up “green around the gills”now the end has come to my silly flog
clicking this leads to Blog About Your Blog!
I want to thank Jessica over at Q for Quackers for this. Hope you enjoy, so far we have the only one!